The History And Stories Unfolding

This is what people see when they drive by our house. Almost everyone looks as they pass, slows down or stops to talk to us. We have had many people stop to ask if we are keeping the house or tearing it down. They tell us what they know about the house, then tell us how happy they are to see people doing something good to this house since has been unoccupied for years.

But today was different. This old couple stopped by and once again asked us what we were doing with the house. Then they proceeded to tell us that she used to live in this house when she was younger in 1940. We walked them through the house and she told us what the house looked like when she lived there. She shared the history of the house and told us that she would try to look for a picture of the house from when she lived there. She left by saying that she couldn't be happier knowing that this house wasn't being torn down, but instead keeping the house and all of the character it has.

I love hearing all of the stories and history that come with this house. We are honored to be able to restore this house and keep all of the history alive. I can't wait for the house to be done and for people to still stop by and show them everything that we have done and everything that we have kept that was the original. I am so glad that we bought this house as our first home. I will cherish this forever!